Sunday, April 23, 2017

Middle Aged.

I have never felt more middle aged than having to write this post. Bageezes, I despise those words, middle aged. Mercy. But even worse than those two words is having to couple them with the word diet. 

People! The metabolism has slowed, the meat has packed on, the chin has doubled, and the rolls have transferred from Landon to me. The time has come to do a drastic intervention but the first thing is admitting out loud that yes, I am middle aged and yes, I am on a diet.

Because all self control left when my kids were born, I am doing a plan from Medifast. (Don't click the link. Even the website screams middle aged women. So embarrassing.) But anyway, I know a few MOPS moms who had great results from committing to this plan, but I bought in to it because they provide all the meals, so no over eating, no snacking, no having to spend time on food prep for myself. Win win right?

Well, not exactly. The "food" is more like the worst thing you've ever eaten and you have to somehow down it six times a day...for a month. But I am COMMITTED because I want my jeans to fit again!


Pray I can keep it up (SHAMEFUL TRUTH MOMENT --> the first night I was so hungry at 10:30pm I couldn't sleep so I went downstairs and ate three eggs, an avocado, and two pieces of toast with jam. CLEARLY NOT A GOOD START.) And that I don't kill my husband or kids when it's 4pm and I'm over it.

And guys, I know the masses want it, but there will be no before/after shot. lol. 

Wish me luck!

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