Monday, September 17, 2018

The Pros and Cons

Is anyone else excited that Game of Thrones finally won Best Drama and Claire Foy Best Lead Actress? Excellent. Also, Jessica and Justin nailed it. Amirite?

Sooooo, the answer to the Cliffhanger is finally out there. Josh and I are expecting #3! For the past year we have been casually talking about whether or not to have a third child. We made a pro and con list and the con side greatly outnumbered the pro side - not even close. And they weren't minor things - finances, private school, we are building a TINY HOUSE to live in for the rest of our lives, my health, my age, whether I could handle three. It goes on. But the heart wants what the heart wants so here we are, three months in. 

There was certainly a fear component related to my age. I'm 36. We cannot guarantee a healthy baby. The older we are, the more at risk the baby is for genetic abnormalities and not carrying to term. So this has also been a process of learning to practically trust in the Lord. Holding captive my thoughts and fears and making a way for God's sovereignty in our lives. 

Another negative was a year after Landon was born I got rid of all the baby stuff because who wants to go through all that again? So this child will surely be a third, wheeled out of the hospital in 2 year clothes and sleeping out of a box. It's okay though. Isn't that how babies sleep in most of the world? 

My doctor appointment buddy.

Thanks for all the love guys. We appreciate it. 

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