Monday, February 15, 2016

Tales From The 4am Feed

Landon has been waking up every hour and a half or so to nurse. You'd think I would have adjusted to the routine wake up calls already but apparently I have not.

Last night, around 4am, I heard Landon crying so in my half awake/half asleep stupor I stumbled out of bed. I forgot that my shoes were right by the bedside and I tripped on them. Not fully awake and in the complete dark, I grasped for anything to catch me. Arms flailing, I swiped the nightstand which only served to knock off the baby monitor and my phone, before I crashed into the bookcase and fell in a heap onto the floor. Josh, thinking there had been an earthquake, jumped out of bed and instinctively ran over to check on Landon. It was too dark for him to see me wedged between the wall and the bookcase so I squeaked out a, "Josh, over here.." and after his eyes adjusted to the dark, he saw my slumped form in the corner of the room. Poor guy, totally confused. Today my incision is burning and my arm feels funny. -_- 

All of this to say this is a great sum up of us right now. Last week Emerson's cold turned into a full on fever, and then true to her form, hives showed up. Our ped told us that if Landon gets a fever of 100.4 then we'll have to go to the hospital to get a full work up so we've been working overtime to keep him safe from anything Emerson touched. All I can say about that is easier said than done my friends. -_- We wouldn't have made it if my mother in law hadn't been with us all week and today my mom kindly is here. 

Tomorrow is the true test. First day on my own. I vascillate between complete overconfidence and absolute fear of what the day will hold. 

Most people say that transitioning from one kid to two kids isn't that bad. You are still one-on-one, they reason. The only flaw in that scenario is when you aren't one-on-one, like THE ENTIRE DAY. 

How can two very VERY small people wreck such havoc and rule the world with such iron fists?!

Please text me to see if I'm alive tomorrow. If I haven't responded by end of day, just assume this maiden has been locked in the tower by the conniving siblings and send help asap.

1 comment:

  1. All I gotta say is 2 is no joke. I learned that quick. I also learned you just tend to the more pressing need first because they will for sure both need you at the same time!!!
