Thursday, March 30, 2017

I'm baaaack.

Something significant took place a few weeks ago, Landon stopped nursing. He and I were truly on a journey together and it coming to a close is bittersweet. I didn't have the same experience with Emerson since I struggled to produce enough milk with her and stopped nursing altogether after three months. But my boobs really came through for me the second time around. lol.

There was such a significant difference between E on formula and Landon nursing. With E, I always knew exactly how much she was drinking and she was on a schedule, had a bottle the same times every day. Nursing was more of an intuitive situation which made it much less predictable but also Landon was my person because he was attached to my hip so I think we bonded in that way.

To tell you the truth, I kinda feel like a free woman. Josh made me a real latte the other day and I was so wired after a few sips that I had a hard time breathing. Caffeine is a game changer! Also, give me all the meds! And the most exciting part is Landon goes to sleep now on his own, which opens up a world of possibilities. Two weeks ago Josh and I attended a wedding that started at 3pm, and we DIDN'T HAVE TO COME HOME TO PUT LANDON DOWN. Oh the freedom! You should have seen me, I was quite the embarrassment dancing like a looney and really partying it up.

My brother in law, who has said that I have become a bore since the kids have entered the equation, announced that I have returned. lol.

But yes, in a way I do feel like I'm baaaaack. ;)

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