Sunday, August 4, 2019

Family Camp

We are home and so much has happened in my heart and in my life I'm tempted to just skip it here because it's too much and also my photos haven't synced yet. hah But instead of leaving you in the dark here's what I can muster.

Last minute I decided to take the kids to church camp for the week and looking back, I'm crazy! But also, it was so worth it. I went with a steeled mind, and expectant and hopeful that God would meet me there. I only made it to three sessions but I only needed one. He nudged me to pack up three kids for a whole week, take a 6 hour road trip with a baby who doesn't like the car, and be away from Josh, so He could speak to me for one hour. But it was all He needed to unload on me a host of truths about me, my kids, my family, our trajectory. I'll save all that for a later date since I'm still unpacking it all myself but goodness gracious God knows!

Also, church camp people came through! There was not a meal that I had to take care of all three kids alone. Someone was always lending a helping hand, and wanting to hold Abby. She was practically the camp mascot, that baby was so loved on. C O M M U N I T Y. It's why we moved home and what a blessing it has been to be immersed in people.

Here are the only photos that have loaded.

It wasn't easier, per se, being away from home, but the change of pace was nice. And a special thanks to the people who made the week easier. Mom and dad. Todd and Jason. Aimee, Dawn, and Mifumi. Deep gratitude to each of you.

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