Saturday, June 13, 2015

I'm Back, Again.

I know I told you I was back and then off and disappeared for a week. But I have a good excuse! Err, an excuse anyway. I'm not sure I can classify it as good since my back kinda went out on me. A week of not being able to sit, transition, turn, hold Emerson, or bend left us very worried that my back was relapsing. But each day I'm feeling stronger and so I see that as a good sign.

Icing the ole discs

A bonus was having a guest bedroom. My mom, bless her heart, came and stayed with us so that Josh could still go to work. Emerson would toddle to her room each morning saying, "Mimi Mimi Mimi" and then their great adventures would commence.

What would I do without my mom?

And my sweet husband who had to take over mom duties while still working.

I must admit I had a moment of despair and cried one night. But my sister sent me this text and my heart was reminded that God is in control. I have nothing to fear.

Hopefully healing and more unpacking happening this week.

P.S And I've made an executive decision, I will be posting pics of the house even though it isn't designer perfect! Initially I was feeling too embarrassed about the mismatched furniture and so on, but it's all a process so why wouldn't I have you come along with me? Silly me. More soon.

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