Saturday, June 13, 2015

The Neighborhood cont.

I know I joked earlier about small town USA. And it is true, there is an adjustment that needs to take place when you are born and raised in Los Angeles. I didn't realize it but I was accustomed to a certain level of anonymity. I could walk out of the house looking like I had just walked out of bed and it was fine because no one knew me wherever I went. Here that is not the case.

Also, the amount of space out here is incredible. Wide, open, space. There are so many parks and trails and birds chirping, and trees rustling in the wind. The peace and quiet, the slow pace, really resonates in me. It is calming and makes me slow down. Last Friday Josh and I were running errands at 5:30 pm and we hit three different places across town within 20 minutes, no traffic. I think it is sufficient to say our minds were blown.

This beauty is changing me. I can already feel it.

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