Monday, December 4, 2017

Things I Put In My Online Shopping Cart

Christmas shopping is not only the worst but also not buying anything for yourself while you are shopping for others is also the worst. Am I right? When I'm shopping online I have a habit of just putting what I want in the cart and then closing the browser later. lol

1. I am so tired of wearing tennis shoes. I wear them for my back but I crave a slip on flat or just anything cute and that doesn't have the word "tennis" in it. My back (knock on wood) has been doing pretty good so I'm hesitantly hoping I can wear something else, ANYTHING ELSE. Like maybe these or these? lol

2. This face cream with this cream. A friend gave them to me for Christmas last year and I fell in LOVE with what it did to my skin. I went to buy some more and was floored by the price. !! FRIEND !! Too much and also how terrible of you to get me addicted to something so expensive. ;) Please stop treating me so nicely and buy me skin products from CVS going forward. xoxo

3. Sleeping pants cause all the ones I've stolen from my sister now have holes in them. heh

4. Clothes. Just an endless credit card to Zara so I can replenish/update/fix my ill-fitting (and holey) wardrobe. Nothing specific, just all of it will do. lol

5. And this is totally random but I have been wanting this Christmas tree stand for years.

Thank you, Santa

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