Sunday, December 16, 2018

So Goes Life

Tomorrow is the start of a new week and here's where I'm at.

I had to redo facial recognition on my iPhone because my face got too big to be recognized. I am not above that putting me into some kind of funk.  Also not helping, I gave birth to Landon at my current weight. Three. more. months.

We are supposably weeks away from home, sweet, home but the money has all but run out. Any free labor + materials out there?

This little girl is constantly moving.

There are a lot of social media types posting gift guides. Jenny Komenda on Insta nailed it. So good! By far, the best one; down to earth, mostly affordable, and reasonable.

I was told to go on bed rest for a few days but once I laid down I crashed and couldn't move till Saturday. I made it to church today and am hoping I'm on the up and up. Glad for the fresh start to a new week.

Bed rest put me behind in all the Christmas things. Cards hopefully making it out before Christmas, presents in the same boat. But you know what? I've settled myself with making do with an apology and "coming soon". It is what it is.

Thankful for those who made the effort to change our address and still send us their Christmas card. Each one is like a little gift to my soul.

And one last thanks to our family - who stepped in and took care of our kids this past week while I was down for the count. Angels sent from heaven.

We celebrated Christmas early at my parents today. It was fun and joyous and man, my mom is so good at all the celebrating things.

The hard mixed with the easy. So goes life.

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