And as you can see, regarding Pimplegate 2018, we are making some progress. lol (Hi Megan Y.!)
Now on to what you really want, house update!
Every two weeks we have a site visit with our Architect/Owner, Marcos, and the Site Supervisor, Johnny - man in red). It's nice to touch base, and you always hear more than just what flies in the daily emails, so we appreciate those.
I don't know all the technical terms so I'm just going to go with "digging has begun" to be on the safe side. See Josh for details. But what I do find incredible is when all the men make design decisions. Um, hello. No. If I had a Sees candy for every time a man involved in this project enthusiastically suggested we should go with _insert some cheaper and much uglier option here , I'd be one much fatter lady. Silly men. I'm just asking you all to keep us on budget but also give me all the upgrades. Too much? :p
View from the back of the property by the alley, looking towards my inlaws house and if you look closely, my children in the door frame watching the meeting. |
Johnny let the kids check out the Bobcats, bless his heart.
And in other monumental news, E has outgrown her toddler bed. *crying We went to IKEA and she excitably bounced on all the mattresses before getting distracted by the toddler beds.
Is Landon getting her bed? you ask. NO. Absolutely not. If we gave the little bugger that much freedom who knows the antics that would occur at 2, 3, 4, and 5 in the morning. If only he knew that crawling out would be game changing for him. Mums the word!
I'm going to take a wild guess and say his current love language is touch. Any disputes?
The pink squad. Mine is the one with the broken crown and no pants. :o Where are that girls parents?!
I've got more but it's 9:28pm and I've got a date with my bed at 10. Sweet dreams y'all and have a wonderful week!
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