Monday, February 17, 2014

G O O D M O R N I N G !

The Allure of the Seas

Someone asked me how I was doing the other day and in a moment of weakness I told her the truth. I told her I feel like the Allure of the Seas (the largest cruise ship in the world). Have you ever noticed that pregnant woman in the movies (Jessica Biel in New Years Eve) and on TV (Jennifer Aniston on friends) throw those stomach's around like they weigh just a few ounces? Liars! In actuality, moving around now feels like getting the Allure of the Seas to dock - slow and steady, don't hit the sides, try not to back up it'll only make it worse.

Jessica Biel doing yoga at 9 mos pregnant in New Years Eve. -_-

If these last 5 weeks could go any slower.. It feels like everyone else who is pregnant is gaining ground/weeks on me. Like my cousin's wife is pregnant and every time she posts an "update" I'm like, "dang girl! you are practically about to have birth!" Even though logic reminds me that when I saw her in person she was only around 12 weeks so there's no way she has caught up to my 34 weeks. Or has she?

Also, it didn't help that the other day my grandma told me I looked like I was due before Aimee, even though she's due a month before me. I guess it's like George Bush eating a baby kitten (or so Google says).

This is what I got when I googled "exasperated images"

I hope this post hasn't 1. killed your Monday and/or 2. Made you never want to get pregnant because I know there's a little life in there and that makes it all worth it (at least that's what I keep telling myself :p).

Five weeks. The countdown has begun! 

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