Monday, February 24, 2014

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

Josh still has a close knit group of friends from high school. The group has grown with the addition of wives and a husband and it's those ladies who generously put together a baby shower for us yesterday.

If you look closely, you might be able to read the names of the books. Can you tell they relate to the food item in front of them? "If you Give A Moose A Muffin", muffins. "Brown Bear Brown Bear", brown teddy grahams. " One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish", goldfish. So clever!

We also had a potato bar complete with sautéed mushrooms, crispy bacon, fresh sausage. YUM!

Everyone made a onesie and although the girls were much more, shall we say, "appropriate"..

The fact that the guys even did one was really hilarious and great too.

This group has been through relationship ups and downs, death, job changes, weddings, and now we are beginning the era of the babies. We are thankful for their consistency, open arms, and generous hearts.

We missed them while we were up north and it's nice to be back in the fold now that we are back. To life together!

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